Carebot For Modern Hospital
Last updated:2021-05-24
Hi We are Nicholas Steven Wartono and Nadya Clara Soekojo . We are from Malang Indonesia During the Covid 19 pandemic, technology was urgently needed in hospitals. Technology is very much needed in addition to helping services to patients more effectively, it is also needed to protect medical personnel. In this code for health project we created carebot. Carebot is a touchfree robot that have many features to assist medical personnel in hospital. Carebot has many function and technology that can be used in modern hospital to serve patient efectively. Carebot using modern technology Voice controller and Smart Camera with Face Recognition. Carebot has features : 1. UV Sterilizer Robot ( This function help to sterilize the thing ) 2. Disinfiectant Spray ( This function can help patient and personnel hospital to sanitize their hands ) 3. Delivery Robot ( The Robot can automatically send thing to patient ) 4. Robot Doctor ( The Robot can check patient condition like their body temperature and their health condition using Smart Camera ) 5. The Robot Entertainment ( The Robot can play music so can make patient more relax ) For This Project we used : 1. 3 Mcore 2. Halocode 3. RGB LED 4. Sound sensor 5. Halocode 6. ME Audio Player 7. Line Follower 8 Rj 25 adapter 9. 2 Servo Motor 10. Smart Camera 11. Remote Bluetooth Controller
For this project the Robot has 2 mode : 1. Automatically 2. Manual ( Control by Remote Bluetooth )