Cody Alive







0M/ 0.7M


This is my first real program for Codey. All it does is move his eyes and makes a sound if it is tipped, while driving or held. It is a Codey only program. Nothing with sprites. I used a variable to have the sound play only once when tipping. Otherwise it would just keep repeating while not level. Also variables for tilting thresholds. (There is a block for tilt left/right, but it wasn't responsive or sensitive enough. So I did it instead with if statements and gyro values) This also shows how a "functions" is created - ie. my block called "Eyes". I also show an example of comments.


Upload the program to Codey and e will show as sleeping. Press the A button to wake him up and activate his eyes. Tip him from side to side to see how his eyes works. 1. Set him on the floor with some space (he'll go back and forth a few feet) 2. Press B to start him driving 3. Press C to stop everything 4. Press A to start his eyes working again after pressing C
