H.O.M.E ( Helping Others Manage Effectively )







0M/ 0.6M


Hi My Name Gordon Augusto Pook and I am from Bina Bangsa School Semarang. My Mentor is Mr Antonius Juniadhi Seeing that cleaning work is very heavy and takes a lot of time, then the idea came to my mind to make a robot that is able to help complete all household chores very effectively and quickly. In my idea, the idea emerged to make an all in one function cleaning robot where this robot has the function of being able to sweep and mop, besides that in the robot machine there is a mobile trash bin which we can call to dispose of trash. besides that, I think I can spray disinfectants automatically in the room and be able to sterilize the room using UV light. In my idea, I want this robot to be able to help follow objects with face recognition and be able to control it remotely. H.O.M.E ( Helping Others Manage Effectively ) is the name of my Robot as solution for helping housework in house. I create this robot so can helps others and manage works effectively. H.O.M.E have few function to help manage housework effectively 1. Smart Home Assistance This robot functions as your personal assistant to help you . This This robot can also be controlled by using a remote to help us. 2. Speedy Mopping and Sweeping This robot has the ability to be able to help mop and clean the area we want and this robot can follow us by smart camera to show which area want to clean 3. Intelligent Mobile Spray Disinfectant and UV Light Sanitisation This Robot has ability to spray Disinfectant, mobile hand sanitizer to detect people come to house by PIR Sensor and sterilize the room by UV light which is can controlled by Apps so avoid human contact with uv light 4. Remote Mobile Trash bin Where ever our position at home, H.O.M.E can detect ourself and can be controlled too as mobile trash bin it can be called by detect us with camera or if somebody need trash bin at home we can send robot to the person with controlling H.O.M.E


To give instruction to H.O.M.E is very easy because H.O.M.E is our assistance 1. Smart Assistance, if you want to move things to other person at home just use remote. If you need H.O.M.E bring your things H.O.M.E can detect and follow you 2. Speedy Mopping and Sweeping : Just Give instruction by follow you the location that want to mop or sweep H.O.M.E will follow you and clean the area that we need 3. Intelligent Mobile Spray Disinfectant and UV Light Sanitisation : If a person come to your house you can send H.O.M.E first to meet the guest and the guest can be clean with disinfectant before come to house. if we need sterilize room send robot with remote and from far away we can activate UV light with apps 4. Remote Trash bin H.O.M.E will go to you if you need to throw something to trash bin and if people busy but need throw the garbage you can send H.O.M.E so other person at home can throw it to trash bin so house always clean The material for this Project : Mcore, Halocode, Material part, Ultrasonic Sensor, PIR Sensor, Servo Dc, Motor DC, LCD Matrix, Smart Camera, Acrylic , Plastic Trash bin, Spray Disinfectant, Cable conector Rj 25
