The Soldier’s Song
Last updated:2024-03-17
This project was published during the Saint Patrick's Day event. This anthem was adopted after it's independence from the United Kingdom. Originally, the lyrics is written in English then later Irish as the translation. An National anthem of Ireland. Previous: Irish lyrics is found at the instructions page. English lyrics: Soldiers are we whose lives are pledged to Ireland; Some have come from a land beyond the wave, Sworn to be free, no more our ancient sire land Shall shelter the despot or the slave. Tonight we man the bearna bhaoil In Erin’s cause, come woe or weal, ‘Mid cannons’ roar and rifles peal, We’ll chant a soldier’s song.
Irish lyrics: Sinne Fianna Fáil a tá faoi gheall ag Éirinn, Buíon dár slua thar toinn do ráinig chughainn, Faoi mhóid bheith saor, Seantír ár sinsear feasta Ní fhágfar faoin tiorán ná faoin tráill. Anocht a théam sa bhearna bhaoil, Le gean ar Ghaeil chun báis nó saoil Le guna scréach faoi lámhach na bpiléar Seo libh canaig amhrán na bhFiann. ------------------------------------------ If you've expereinced an glitch by music error, use computer instead, press the green flag again or click the flag to play with sound.