We Glorify You, Transnistria
Last updated:2024-06-11
Don't be confused! This flag is the complete same as the Moldavian SSR. This flag is Transnistria When Soviet Union has collapsed, Transnistria, the de facto country that this anthem was adopted. The lyrics was adopted in 1995. Transnistria was an unrecognised country which is de jure part of Moldova. This country is filled with Russians. An national anthem of the Transnistria Moldovan and Romanized Ukrainian lyrics is found at the instructions page. Romanized Russian lyrics: 1. My slavu poem Pridnestrov’ju, Zdes’ druzhba narodov krepka, Velikoj synovnej ljubov’ju My spajany s nim naveka. Vosslavim sady i zavody, Poselki, polja, goroda – V nih dolgie slavnye gody Na blago Otchizny truda. Pronesem cherez gody Imja gordoj strany I Respublike svobody Kak pravde, my budem verny. 2. My slavim rodnye doliny, Sedogo Dnestra berega. O podvigah pomnim bylinnyh, Nam slava otcov doroga. Vosslavim my vseh poimenno, Pogibshih za nash otchij dom. Pred pamjat’ju pavshih svjashhennoj Otechestvu kljatvu daem. Pronesem cherez gody Imja gordoj strany I Respublike svobody Kak pravde, my budem verny. Pronesem cherez gody Imja gordoj strany I Respublike svobody Kak pravde, my budem verny.
Moldovan lyrics (One verse): Cînta-vom şi văi, şi coline, Luceferi din Nistrul cărunt, Balade-nţelepte, bătrâne, Ce-n veacuri destoinici ne-au vrut. Slăvi-vom eroicul nume, ‘N acea bătălie căzut Şi-n fala memoriei sfinte Noi ţării jurăm să-i fim scut! Prin vreme purta-vom Numele mîndrei ţări. Tu, Republica libertăţii Eşti crezul în paşnice zări. ----------------------------- Romanized Ukrainian lyrics (One verse): My slavymo kraj Prydnistrov’ya, De lyudy pyshayut”sya tym, Shho druzhboyu, ladom, lyubov’yu Naviky pov’yazani z nym. Proslavymo nashi zavody, Shyroki lany i mista, Tut chesno pracyuyut” narody Na blaho Vitchyzny truda. Cherez doly i vody Pronesemo im’ya My Respubliky svobody, Xaj zhyve tut narodiv sim’ya -------------------------------------- If you've expereinced an glitch by music error, use computer instead and press the green flag again.