Partant pour la Syrie



Last updated:2024-01-06




0M/ 0.1M


Translated as "Going to Syria" In French (To avoid confusion) This is a romantic song, but it's an anthem of France that the country France which they colonised Ottoman Empire. An historical national anthem of France (1853-1870) Next: German lyrics is also available in the instructions page. French lyrics: Partant pour la Syrie Le jeune et beau Dunois Venait prier Marie De bénir ses exploits. Faites, Reine Immortelle, Lui dit-il en partant, Que j’aime la plus belle Et sois le plus vaillant Que j’aime la plus belle Et sois le plus vaillant


German lyrics: Nach Syriens Kampfgefilde Zog Dunois jung und schön. Ihn trieb's, zuvor die Milde Der Jungfrau anzufleh'n: O Himmelskön'gin, lenke, Dass ich, im Schlachtenfeld, Der Schönsten stets gedenke, Und sei der beste Held! Der Schönsten stets gedenke, Und sei der beste Held! ---------------------------------- If you've expereinced an glitch by music error, use computer instead, press the green flag again or click the flag to play with sound. For some reason this song is fast it may sometimes got an music error. This anthem will be renovated in the future.
