Last updated:2020-05-14
This program is further improved based on "space war". It is newly named "StarCraft". It controls the movement of the fighter through Codey or keyboard and tries to defeat the enemy plane before it gets down. If it defeats an enemy plane, it will get one point. If it is hit by the enemy plane or missile, its life value will be reduced by one. The relevant value will be displayed on the top of the screen to see which partner gets the most points.
Use CodeyRocky, connect to the computer, download the program to CodeyRocky, do not disconnect, click the green flag to run, press a key of CodeyRocky to control the left shift, press B key to control the right shift, press C key to launch the shell, of course, without CodeyRocky's partner, you can also control the movement of the fighter through the keyboard side key, and the space bar to launch the shell.