USH Robot







0M/ 0.1M


Climate change is a global and significant problem in today’s society. There are multiple causes of climate change; two of the most important causes are food waste and livestock. Massive amount of food waste leads to more severe consequences such as an increase in death rates. My robot(USH) focuses on two major issues and another function that shows the seriousness of climate change. Moreover, to solve the food waste issue, the number of calories are shown to depend on age and gender and vegan menus are randomly revealed to decrease livestock.


When the red button is clicked, the robot starts moving forward, and the robot turns left when the robot detects an obstacle within 10cm. To stop the robot, click red button is clicked once again. When the yellow button is clicked, then the Light ring lights ups red and shows how much kcal a human should have in a day depending on gender and age in the LED matrix. When the green button is clicked, the light ring light up green, the LED matrix shows, and the speaker plays different vegan menus chosen randomly between 6 different foods. When the blue button is clicked, the light ring light up blue, and the causes and effects of climate change are spoken by the speaker that is chosen randomly between the 6 types of effects.
