

Last updated:2021-10-17




0M/ 66.9M


PANDI: Learning Prototype for Down Children, Individual. Pandi is a prototype that will help in a didactic way children with different abilities to develop in the courses that are mostly used in everyday life, such as communication (language) and mathematics (addition and subtraction). In addition, this project will help to increase the vocabulary of these children. The main problem that I could find to make this project was the problem that most children with Down syndrome have in language, so the application increases the communication section where the options of verbs and common words; in both Pandi will pronounce words and will be accompanied by images, for example, if Pandi pronounces the word house, on the screen will appear the word "house" with the image of a house, so the child will recognize the word thanks to the image and will repeat it. The other section that is increased is mathematics, where there are two options, the addition and subtraction, in this case we are going to use the chips that children with different skills use to add and subtract; on the screen we are going to get the operation (number and chip) and the child must copy it on the table with his chips and then show Pandi who is going to detect it with the extension "Educable Machine", then Pandi is going to tell him if it is correct or wrong. Functions: - Show images and videos, to facilitate children's understanding. - Voice recognition, helps in the interaction between the child and Pandi. - Receive through physical contact (touch) signals from the user, to control the images, videos and different buttons to be displayed. - Speak predefined words, so that the child repeats the same as Pandi. - Emitting clapping sounds among others, to recognize if the answers given by the child are correct or wrong. - Head and arm movements, to help in the interaction of the child and Pandi.


- At the beginning we will see the bear's eyes closed. - To start the program we press the Halocode button and we will see the loading screen, - Then Pandi will greet us (in this case it will say "Hello Luciana", since it is personalized for my cousin) and will ask us "How are you? When we answer it will send us to the main menu. - In the main menu there are three options: communication, mathematics and video (we can choose any of them, there is no order), - When we press the communication button, two buttons will appear, one for verb (V) and one for common words (C). In verb we will see different verbs and in common words different words, with their respective images. When completing each section, the bear will move its arms, indicating that it has finished. - When we press the math button, the addition (S) and subtraction (R) buttons will appear. Both are the same, the only thing that changes are the operations. When we enter any of the two, a map of levels will appear, where we can choose any of the 12 levels; for example if we press level 1, the operation will appear with the respective chips, which the child must replicate it on the table (30 seconds will be given), when he/she knows the result will show it on the screen and Pandi will indicate if it is correct or wrong, when he/she recognizes the result and it is right, a sound of correct and if it is wrong, a sound of error will be heard. Then it returns you to the level map and you will be able to choose another level. - When the video button is pressed, the chosen video will be played. - After 10 minutes, a background will appear telling us that we have finished and it will be accompanied by applause. And the program ends. Note: - Since we press some button of the main menu a button of a house will appear, where it sends us to the main menu. - The other button that will appear in the other menus is the one that will return us to the previous window.
