D-Guardian MakeX Spark Global



Last updated:2021-12-09




0M/ 0.3M


According to research by University Putra Malaysia, there are an estimated 3.5 million people or 7% of the population in Malaysia who are above the age of 65. Between 2020 and 2046, Malaysia’s 65+ population will double from 7% to 14%. Health experts have called for a review of policies to improve the nation’s preparedness for elderly care. While elderly care can be difficult with its many demands, it is still important to provide them what they deserve for their own health, safety, and well-being. My 84 years old grandfather is the eldest member of my family. Because my parents are in full-time employment, he often stays alone at home during the morning when my parents go to work while my brother, sister and I go to school. With nobody at home, we always worried about accidents happen on him, such as a fall, or incidents like a stroke or heart attack, could occur without anyone being aware of it. He is also facing some hearing loss problem that commonly faced by the elderly. Sometimes, he doesn’t notice when people are calling him using phone and there are visitors ringing doorbell outside the house when he is watching TV or cooking. Main Functions : To help elderly with hearing loss problem. 1. Help elderly to get help when something unfortunate happens. 2. It can function as a door bell for elderly with hearing loss problem. 3. Help to notice the elderly with hearing loss problem when someone's calling and messaging him using phone. 4. It can become a night light for elderly.


To use D-guardian for the first time: We just need to install IFTTT app to all the family member smartphone. Then, sign-in the app using the D-guardian email account. Lastly, connect the IOT Cricket to the internet and connect D-Guardian to the WiFi. D-Guardian has 4 functions, 1st is to act as a doorbell for elderly that has hearing loss problem. When the doorbell is being pressed, the D-Guardian Home will light-up green, and the D-Guardian wearable will light-up green with the vibration to notice the elderly about the visitor. When the elderly notice about the visitor, he can press the push button to switch off the led light and the vibration immediately and the door will light up green to notice the visitor. 2nd is to act as a phone ringing notification D-Guardian Home is a phone holder. When the phone rings, D-Guardian Home will be triggered and light up blue and the D-guardian wearable will light-up blue also with the vibration to notice the elderly about the phone ringing. 3rd is to act as elderly SOS notification system when accidents happen. When the elderly fall, the wearable will detect it, it will light up red, and trigger the D-Guardian Home to light up red and wake-up the IOT Cricket to send notifications through the IFTTT app. If the elderly suddenly not feeling well, he can press the push button. For the 4th function, the D-Guardian Home can act as a night light for the elderly. It can be operate using the Speech Recognition by the D-Guardian Wearable, when we want use the night light, we just need to touch the 0 pin at the wearable, it will start the Speech Recognition. If the speech recognize "on",the D-Guardian Home will light up. If the speech recognize "off",the D-Guardian Home will light off. The power suppy for the 3 device of the D-Guardian, are using rechargeable battery. It all can be recharge. (D-Guardian Door Bell Charge using Solar Power).
